Live Class Links

Class links are available most weeks. All classes are recorded and then loaded onto the members’ area, allowing you to catch up at your leisure if the class timing is inconvenient for you. All live classes are streamed via Zoom. Please click here to access information on how to load Zoom onto your device so that you can access your Yoga class.

The timetable may vary.

I will notify in advance weeks when I am away, but in the case of illness there may be no warning in which case the library really comes into its own!

For class descriptions please scroll to the bottom of the page.

What are the classes?

Hatha Yoga

Hatha is traditional Yoga, incorporating meditation, pranayama, (work with the breath), relaxation and asana (posture work). You don’t need to be fit or bendy to practise. We leave expectations and judgement at the door, and come to practice with acceptance, using the breath as a pathway. We arrive at our heart space in peace. Hatha translates as ‘sun and moon’ and Yoga as ‘yoke’ or joining together – complete balance. Yoga isn’t about achieving postures or getting 'better' at them. Yoga is about diving deeper into yourself, the postures are there as a means of untying the knots, removing the blockages that prevent us from finding our true potential.

These classes are suitable for all levels of experience and can be adapted to most health conditions.

You will need a Yoga or exercise mat, a couple of Yoga blocks (a cushion will suffice for the time being if you don’t have one), a belt, scarf or tie, at least one blanket. You may also like to have an eye pillow, Yoga bricks and a bolster but these are not essential. Wear warm comfortable, loose clothing. Please don’t eat for 2 hours before a class. A drink of water or tea is good to have to hand.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is Hatha Yoga practised using a chair. The practices concentrate on joint movement and muscle strengthening, incorporating the breath and meditation. It is by no means the easy option, working at a level that is right for your mind and body at that moment.
Chair Yoga is ideal for those that are recovering from injury, that struggle to get up and down from the floor or who are experiencing discomfort impairing the range of movement.

These classes are suitable for all levels of experience and can be adapted to most health conditions.

You will need a sturdy chair, such as an office or dining room chair (not on wheels), 2 Yoga blocks or 2 inch deep solid books, a cushion and a blanket. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and please don’t eat for 2 hours before class. A drink of water or tea is good to have to hand.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga offers a chance to slow down, to immerse and experience Yoga at a deeper level, with softness and stillness. Through the stillness we find relaxation, balance of body, breath and mind, harmony, peace, acceptance. Yin is the antithesis to our modern Yang lifestyle, offering the space to slow down, to ground, to breathe. Postures are gently held in a supportive manner for 3 to 5 minutes and are accompanied by meditations, insights and the breath.

These classes are suitable for all levels of experience and can be adapted to most health conditions.

You will need a Yoga or exercise mat, 2 Yoga blocks, 2 blankets, Yoga strap, tie or scarf and cushions. Not essential but great to have are bolsters (a duvet or pillows can be used instead), Yoga bricks, an eye pillow and a sand bag. I don’t recommend eating before Yin. A drink of water or tea is nice to have to hand.

Warrior Yoga

A stronger style class based on the Dancing Warrior sequence, practised in a meditative manner. The sessions start with a settling meditation and gentle warm-ups, leading to dynamic practices and ending in a short relaxation. If you are looking to increase physical fitness whilst practising mindfully this could be for you.
Suitable for those with some experience. Some health conditions could be contra indicated so please chat to me before enrolling for a class.

You will need a Yoga or exercise mat, 2 Yoga blocks, Yoga bricks if you have them are useful, a Yoga belt, scarf or tie and a blanket. You may like to use an eye pillow during relaxation. Please don’t eat for 2 hours beforehand, and bring a glass of water. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a deep guided relaxation. Half an hour of Yoga Nidra is said to bring the same benefits as 4 hours of sleep. It is truly a delicious experience.
I trained with Swami Vedantananda Saraswati in 2017.

These classes are suitable for all levels of experience and can be adapted to most health conditions.

You will need something to lie on, blankets, a cushion for under the head. You may like to place a bolster or pillow under the knees and an eye pillow. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.


Warrior Yoga

Please refer to the library.


Hatha Yoga

Mondays at 10am to 11am and 6.30pm to 7.45pm

Please click the link above to be taken to your class.


Chair Yoga

Mondays at 11.30am to 12.30pm

Please click the link above to be taken to your class.